Sunday 5 November 2017

Giapo ice-cream parlor

Our class team was taken for a field trip to an ice-cream parlor known as Giapo, the which make them unique and famous for there innovation the field of  varieties on ice-creams, cones and even the decoration they use to add on the ice-cream, the main point of attraction was the decoration of the cones and the add-on which looks ice-cream more flawless.

we all observe the processing of ice-cream and was followed by a lecture about they leadership traits and the who they started there business and what was their competencies. I was a great experience and at the end, we all were offered an ice-cream worth of 20 dollars. the quality of ice-cream was the best but the quantity was too much as it was a huge ice-cream cone for an individual to eat it all.

So as per my feedback, an overall observation, I would rate them  8/10.         

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