Sunday 5 November 2017

Giapo ice-cream parlor

Our class team was taken for a field trip to an ice-cream parlor known as Giapo, the which make them unique and famous for there innovation the field of  varieties on ice-creams, cones and even the decoration they use to add on the ice-cream, the main point of attraction was the decoration of the cones and the add-on which looks ice-cream more flawless.

we all observe the processing of ice-cream and was followed by a lecture about they leadership traits and the who they started there business and what was their competencies. I was a great experience and at the end, we all were offered an ice-cream worth of 20 dollars. the quality of ice-cream was the best but the quantity was too much as it was a huge ice-cream cone for an individual to eat it all.

So as per my feedback, an overall observation, I would rate them  8/10.         

Friday 27 October 2017

Experience about the recycle project on paper

as I'm a student of resources management, our class was given a project about the recycling of paper. so for that our classmates were divided into 4 groups of design for boxes, design for poster's, electronic flyer and powerpoint presentation. As I was good at designing and drawing work, which elected me to design the poster for awareness among the college mates.

I was given A3 size paper on which I have to do some work about recycling paper which includes and start from a title for the poster followed by image or drawing and some written part or slogans. each of us was given two posters to do.

Will the title I wrote was "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" and other was "Recycle is there is no tomorrow". I even wrote a meaningful slogan "Save Paper Save Trees Save the World". I really enjoyed my work a lot, it was fun to do.

After that, when all the group completed there work, I and my other two friends went to each floor of the college to spread awareness and to inform them about our class project and given each of them a poster to stick and a box to fill all the one-sided paper for recycling as 'love notes' (an organizations which collect all the one-sided paper can form notebooks out of them) will come and collect all the recycle-able paper and will use to make notebook.

                      "your one step towards nature will save the world from destruction"       

Saturday 14 October 2017

why emotional intelligence is important in leadership


When it came to necessary trails for leadership skills, then that would have a wide range of answer like charisma, determination, purpose this are the common thing every leaders would have defined. But what distinguishes the best leader for majority of leaders is there level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence in today's workplace have become an important factor for success,  

  • Ability to be aware of name and manage one's emotion.
  • Ability to be aware of name and understand other's emotion.
  • Ability to relate to others in effective ways both personally and professionally.
  • Ability to manage relationships, navigate social networks, influence and inspire others.


Leaders should have self-aware about the emotions and able to recognize them well to obtain a clear understanding about what's happening and about the strengths and weakness.


The next step is learn to maintain there emotions, leaders with high EQ are able to maintain and stay in control. one should keep checking there emotional intelligence in order to be in respected position.  


It an important aspect as if you are not able to express you thoughts then emotional awareness and management is of no use. They should be able to convey the direction and know what to say in order to inspire and motivate other's.


Leader with emotional intelligence are able to understand other's emotion very well and have knowledge about the situation other are facing. This is a crucial skill for a leader to inspire and motivate a team.


This is one of the most important skill a leader should have, even with it the leader can use their emotional intelligence to develop a more effective workplace. As you know at workplace problem between employees, parties, workers is a common aspect, so a leader should have the ability to handle conflict and quickly placate the disagreement easily.


Rose, K. (n.d.). Why is Emotional Intelligence an Important Leadership Trait? Retrieved from Select International :
SARA, F. (2012, may 30). 5 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is Critical For Leaders. Retrieved from Lead Change Group :

Friday 13 October 2017

A change may be just around the corner

In today's world to adopt change is a necessary step because it is the face of constant change, it is even said that there is no way but to change in order to adapt to the change. nowadays the situation is like that the organization has to adopt a change in order to maintain their existence. the Kurt Lewis change management model has the following three steps unfreeze, change, refreeze.

Kurt Lewis model represents a very simple and easy way to understand the change process. It is like an ice which starts with unfreezing in order to assemble change, which undergoes by the change which has to be added and followed by refreezing it with the adopted changes

 Unfreeze - " to make the change" the initial step, this step is to create awareness for the upcoming changes in the status quo.

Change - " transitioning" this is the step where the change becomes real ( change is implemented)

Refreeze - "stabilizing" this step about the changes made in the organizational process, function, goals, offerings or people are accepted and refrozen as the new status quo.

when it comes to organizational change, it is the most difficult time for the leader and the manager to lead the organization culture in the flow of the change. They have to take a sharp U-turn because that the most crucial time for a leader to manage the team in order to make new decision containing new transformation, ideas, and even new team to manage the flow of consistency and have to look at managers operating at different level re able to reflect to correct direction in this critical time and have ability to influence change in organization .

Thus, proper leadership and culture knowledge and skill are very important in term of change management because change is unpredictable.

         “the only thing that does not change is change itself”


Health Services Vocational School, U. U. (12, august 2014). Organizational Change: Importance of Leadership Style and Training. Retrieved from Management and Organizational Studies: file:///C:/Users/student/Downloads/5336-16945-1-PB%20(3).pdf
james, M., & david, P. (2015, may 15). The Key Importance of Culture in Organizational Change. Retrieved from kogan page:
Sherri, H. (n.d.). Lewin's 3-Stage Model of Change: Unfreezing, Changing & Refreezing. Retrieved from


Tuesday 3 October 2017

New generation's leaders

In this interconnected and fast-moving world, the challenges for business have also rapidly increased. The 21st century presents many new challenges for the business leader and even employees. In this competitive world, the leader has to be ready to evolve new ideas, to take risks, inspire and motivate others and build new and different strategies.

In this 21st-century competition for business has reached up to a level. So to become a successful business leader, a leader has to intake some essential skills. First of all the leader have to gain and contribute uniqueness to their business, in terms of creating innovative ideas, ways of serving their customers and learn from the mistake. The leader has to act effectively with their employees and customers, have to think, observe and listen with an intensity of an artist. A leader has to be resilient, as every makes mistakes but you have to learn from your and even from your competitor's mistakes, learn from other generation and other cultures, learn from public failure and mistakes. A leader has to embrace change in their business, like as cultivate a new experimental mindset and adopt new ideas. break the boundaries and go as far you can because today's failure may be the basis of tomorrow's breakthrough. A leader has to stay grounded because a better result needs time to achieve success, so have patience and go with the flow.

Thus, by using those strategies should help to act strategically, work with others in a mutually beneficially way. In past, the business was run on the dominance and power of the leader but now the scenario has changed as it runs of vision, partnerships, communication, skills, and knowledge.



(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
james, s. (2107, augest 22). 25 Essential 21st Century Leadership Skills. Retrieved from servetolead:
melanie, g. (2012, june 19). Five Essential Skills for Leadership in the 21st Century. Retrieved from phychology today:

Saturday 30 September 2017

21st century leadership

21st-century leadership skills have changed a lot, the focus toward the customers have increased by the authentic leaders which replace the hierarchical leaders.  The main focus is sustainable performance by

  • Aligning people with mission and value
  • Empowering leaders at the different level
  • Focusing more on customer's service
  • Collaborating with other organizations

1. Aligning
This is one of the most important terms as aligning appropriate employee at the proper level and sharing them the values of the organization as finding a loyal employee is challenging. Otherwise, they can even dumb you and turn aside. while the aligned employee with commits to the organization's values and missions.

2. Empowering

In the 20th century, it was like the hierarchical leader won't give enough power to other leaders at all levels to retain control, while in the 21st century it's like the leader empower other leaders to gain power and control.

3. Serving

Before it was like the organizations were ignoring the customer guidance but today customer is the most important stakeholder of the company as for sustaining the growth of an organization, satisfying customer need is important which even motivates the employees.

4. Collaborating

As the challenges for business are becoming complex. meanwhile collaborating with other organization can gain support and make easy to solve the problems. so a leader should focus on internal cooperation  instead of focusing on internal politics